Welcome to Kosub Country...Where we are surrounded by Live Oaks! As most of you know my house has Oak trees all the way around it, so at this time every year it is FALLING SPRING!!! At some point you could drive by and quite possibly see me with a rake in my hand. Excuse me while I whine a little. I have so many leaves that I have no doubt I will be seeing them in my sleep! As I rake, I start to wonder "WHY IN THE HECK AM I DOING THIS", since as I do more leaves are hitting me like a rainstorm from above. I begin to think about Henny Penny when she starts running around yelling "THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING"! Not just leaves are falling, but POLLEN as well.
The pollen covers the sidewalks, our cars, the tables, and OUR DOG! Our poor little KB that is usually a puff of snow white hair, comes in looking at me like "what in the heck is happening to me???", he has pollen ALL OVER HIM!
There is no running from it, the only thing running around here would be our noses!! We keep Kleenex in business this time of year! OKAY OKAY...I'm sure your tired of hearing it already...There is a upside if I just remain focused on it....this does only happen once a year, the exercise by NO MEANS hurts me, and the trees do provide shade year round.Other than hurricane force wind at times the weather has been BEAUTIFUL!! . Our vegetable garden has soaked in the rain that we have recieved and is sprouting out! We were blessed with NO HAIL, unlike our friends south of us towards Nixon. SO yes, LIFE IS GOOD even if POLLEN is giving our sinuses HELL (haha)! So I guess my whining should be limited to little if at all! AFTER ALL it is APRIL! Which means I have LOTS of celebrations to plan. WE have EASTER followed by Sky's birthday and end the month celebrating Peyton's! April and May have always been my favorite months of the year, so I better start enjoying them before they are gone! =)
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