Friday, June 20, 2014
Passion brings Purpose
Wow. I haven't blogged in a seriously long time. I have missed the blogging world and I hope to start writing again much more often.
During my absence, I have been chasing the definition of passion. I have put that word to test and many great things such as our St. Sophia Chapel has derived from it. (I will blog another day about the chapel for those who don't know). I now completely understand how important it is to have PASSION. Without it you can never be what you have the potential to become. If your heart is passionate, it is almost always because of something you feel deep within your spirit to be true and that passion drives you. That passion drives you to be the person God has wanted you to be. That passion if handled correctly and with Gods guidance, can take you places you never knew you could go. I believe we should all seek our passion. So, what am I passionate about?! I'm passionate about positive behavior--and showing what can happen if you display it. No matter what life throws your way, a positive attitude makes for a positive outcome. My greatest hope is that my life inspires someone to be happy, and proves that it is okay to be ridiculously joyful despite how disappointing life can be. I wake up every day with a burning desire to tell an amazing story with my life and the way I live it— The secret to creating a great life story is chasing your dreams —with great passion. Knowing that great strength is driven by overcoming what others think is impossible and by finding Joy even in the not so joyfilled moments. Our lives are exactly what we allow it to become. Everyone has within them the heart and passion of Jesus - it just requires dropping the wall to whatever holds you back from showing it.
Remember that it isn't the lives with a perfect past that write amazing life stories; it's those lives that were flawed and imperfect – If you look back on your life...the wisest, most loving, well rounded people you have met are likely those who have known failure, known defeat, known suffering, and have found their way out of the depths of their own despair.....with a smile and a PASSION!
Until next time my friends.........keep searching for your passion.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It's A New Day! Thank You, Lord!
Oh am I ready for this new day. Yesterday was one of those days that tested me to a breaking point. As my sweet friend Jannete can testify to....I didn't handle it very well. Despite what you might see here on my Facebook or read on my blog, I don’t live in a place of perpetual sunshine surrounded by rainbows and butterflies. I’m human, I get knocked down just like everybody else, sometimes I worry, I hurt, and I question things, I admit it. But I work through it and get back up time and time again. Being human, I’ve had things happen that have brought me to my knees. However I refuse to fall down and stay there, I try to grasp what I can learn from situations and events and move through them. It’s not denial, it’s looking at what’s right in the situation instead of focusing on what’s wrong. I truly believe attitude is everything. I believe wholeheartedly that your subconscious mind brings items, ideas, experiences, and opportunities to your awareness when you are looking at a glass as half full. I have learned not to believe in luck or flukes but to believe in blessings and messages from the Good Lord above. So today is a new day, and my cup is overflowing :D
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Spring Cleaning -- Lent 2013
It has been awhile since I have been woken early for a morning meditation! So extremely busy the last few months and now that life is slowing down, I am forced to sift through the clutter that has been taking up space. For lent I vowed to get rid of the "junk" in my life. Things that no longer made me feel fullfilled,served a purpose, or simply added stress to my life. Tough but important decions to make as to whether it is who I am now or who I once was. This morning my focus will be on decluttering my heart the same way I am doing my home. It is a draining process both mentally and physically. So much decision making to be made. It’s my life that I am sifting through, some things should continue the journey with me and some not. I know this is crucial to finding and keeping peace in my mind and heart in order to have a successful Lent Season.... However hard it may be. I understand the importance of freeing up negative space in order to see what God's new visions are for me. Come Easter, my home(s) will be much cleaner and with a lot less clutter!Happy Lent! :)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My Journey
Gosh! It has been awhile since I blogged and now after choosing to go on a Women's A.C.T.S. retreat in November, it sparked a post and so here it goes:
I feel as if I am on a journey in my life to live my best life now. To get rid of the clutter and negative thoughts, habits and people. I want to live being true and genuine to myself and not what the world thinks I should be. I have learned these past few years the importance of walking daily and building a relationship with God. I have seen and been shown that He never gives up on you. I now understand the importance of consulting God for all things. I understand there is always purpose to the pain you endure in life. I have learned that if you continue to stray off path by the worldy wants and temporary needs of life then God will continue to diverge your plans until you realize that He doesn't have that plan for you. He will say it softly at first, and then as long as you continue to not listen and ignore his cues he will make the signs stronger. In the end..... the pain will guide you back on the right path and will always make you stronger! My journey will oneday end as all of our lives will and I want to know that my life had purpose. That purpose being one that people looked at me and saw the spirit of Jesus. I want to hear God say "Good Job, my good and faithful servant."
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
FAITH is not faith...until it has been tested.
I have many friends that are struggling right now as they face life altering events in their life. To some of you my posts may appear as "random" but I feel in my heart they are necessary. If my words touch only one person, than they will have done their job. It is so important to know that the storms in life have no power to destroy, because God will always be bigger. No matter how devastating it may seem, scary it may appear, or how heavy your cross seems right now, you must believe that there IS a purpose and plan for all that you are enduring. Trust that God knowS and will work it out for your good. All followers will suffer for Christ. I read something once that has stuck with me ..."blessed is the person whom the storm drives to God." I know that it is only in that "storm" that you will find true happiness. A true Christian is called to be a soldier. It is only in the war that the true strength and courage of a believer is revealed. After all Faith is not faith until it has been tested! I have learned that if you draw near to God in times of trials you cannot leave His Presence without receiving His strength. I am praying for my friends who are hurting! Be strong and COURAGEOUS!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
I have been on a bit of a soul searching journey these last few days. I have found where my time hasn't been spent as wisely as it should of been. Talks with God were less and I needed a bit of a self reflecting "retreat" to bring me back home. This morning as I sit and listen to the morning birds I cannot help but learn from them. Singing and so happy, without a care in the world. The unimaginable trust they have in God is so strong that not even a storm can rattle them. I watched yesterday as 3 hummingbirds danced about in my sprinkler, and I couldn't help but think of Sophie and my Granny. The hummingbird is a symbol of courage, strength, determination, and beauty. And yet as small and fragile as life itself. I'm not sure I could describe my grandmother or Goddaughter any better. I love how God can speak to you when you stop and truly take the time to listen. The night before last as I sat down at the creek bottom with my children and their friends, just right about dusk; my eye caught the flicker of a twinkle...and then another. The sweet sensation that rushed over me was that of a child. There is something magical about the twinkle of a firefly...almost fairytale-ish about them. They are my evening time "hummingbird" you could say. Geared with a flash that shouts as a reminder to slow life down and enjoy the simplest of things. As they danced about in the warm evening air --- I was reminded how God gave each of a dance the second we were born. Complete with our own tune, the tune that makes us unique and special, the tune that we dance to and live by. The dance and tune that makes us.....US! I hope everyday I will remember to take the time to listen for my music!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Deeper roots

The past few years God has been working and stretching me in ways that I would never have believed possible. Yesterday was another day of testing my roots and teaching my child how to deepen his. Watching the hurt in my childs eyes was extremely painful to this mothers heart. But, dissapointments are a part of life, and it's in those moments that we must teach them that God is seeing if they are trusting HIM through the storm. They must learn on their own how to stay rooted. The tree that survives drought, windstorms, and floods is the tree that has its roots down deep. It's not always easy building the root system, but once established.... the fruit of the tree is sweeter and comes in an abundance. Walk by Faith always, because sometimes our eyes miss the real beauty of the storm. I'm excited to see what kind of fruit your tree will produce! I love you, Son!
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